Monday, January 11, 2010

McGwire's Apology Strikes Out Swinging

According to a report by the Associated Press, "Mark McGwire finally came clean, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball's home run record in 1998. McGwire said in a statement sent to The Associated Press on Monday that he used steroids on and off for nearly a decade."
The report went on to quote McGwire as saying "I wish I had never played in the steroid era."

Sounds to me like a half-assed apology. If he was truly sincere, he wouldn't have used this convenient endnote to his statement. This statement implies that it was not McGwire's decision to take illegal steroids, but rather the era in which he played that was responsible for his actions. PALEEEEZ! I agree that in that era there were most likely a lot more players taking similar performance enhancing drugs than not, but it is an insult to those few players who decided their integrity was worth more than a home run title to claim that McGwire had no choice based on the state of the player psyche in the mid to late 90's.

McGwire's supposed "apology" comes very conveniently after the St. Louis Cardinals announced they would be inviting McGwire to join the teams staff as a hitting coach for the 2010 season. It should be obvious to everyone that this admission is a strategic move to hopefully lessen the media blitz that is sure to come up when MLB welcomes back one of its most notoriously controversial characters. By admitting he took steroids, McGwire has basically killed the story. Afterall, you won't see any ESPN reporters hounding McGwire in the dugout this season asking him about the allegations against him. The questions been answered. And it is a loud and clear YES! I DID IT! A local radio show host brought up a good point today. McGwire says he regrets all of these decisions and would have done it clean if he had the chance to do it all over again. The insincerity of this statement should be obvious. Afterall, how many people would regret doing something that no doubt helped them earn millions of dollars in endorsements and player contracts for the supposed ten year period of use? McGwire may regret it but his bank account doesn't.

C'mon all you nay sayers out there, Steroids might cause the breakdown of connective tissues and muscles and shrink your Hardy Boys, but who cares about all that when you have a huge house, a smoking hot wife, and a brand new Maybach sitting in the driveway?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gilbert Arenas and Charlton Heston BFFL Buddies

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past week you no doubt have heard about good 'ol Gilbert Arenas's antics involving the alleged incident at the Washington Wizards home, the Verizon Center. Arenas supposedly brought as many as three handguns to the arena and displayed them in front of a teammate's locker before a game. Apparently Gilbert didn't get the memo about D.C. being one of the strictest cities in the nation when it comes to gun crimes. NBA commish David Stern has reacted by suspending Arenas indefinitely. However, according to Stern, he did not suspend Arenas based on the incident but rather by his reaction in the days following reports. Arenas was repeatedly seen laughing and giggling during postgame interviews when asked about the incident. How dumb do you have to be? Honestly? Let me pose a hypothetical scenario to help illustrate just how absurd this moron's actions were.

I come into work Monday morning, stop at the break room, grab a cup of coffee. As I am walking to my cubicle I stop at my friend Jack's cube and give him a hard time about beating me in that card game we played last night. Unfortunately, I bet more cash than I had on me, so I had to come up with some collateral. Instead of going to an ATM that morning to pay my dues, I decide to bring my Glock 9mil in to work to settle my debt with Jack. I pull the piece out and slam it down on Jacks workstation. We spend the next ten minutes joking around holding the gun and pointing it at people. "Here ya go Jackie, its all yours, are we even now?"

The tragedy about this story is that these idiots don't realize that their ( I say their because there have been many more before Gilbert) actions are wrong. I mean how much more obvious can it be. You live in a city that not too long ago had the honor of having the highest murder rate in the U.S. Couple that with a strict stance on gun crimes rivaled only by NYC and you have to wonder who is guiding people like Gilbert. Honestly, I think a sixth grader with Downs Syndrome could've told him this was a bad idea. My solution: All NBA/NFL players must take D.A.R.E. classes in their rookie season and be banned from playing Grand Theft Auto until their retirement.