Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Steve Phillips Goes Hoggin (and loses his job in the process)

steve phillips brooke hundley photo

Steve  Phillips, long time ESPN Baseball Tonight analyst and former NY Mets GM, as you may have heard, has recentlly admitted to having an affair with his 22 year old production assistant, Brooke Hundley. Now just take a look at the picture at left. C'mon Stevie! you just blew a solid job at the worlds most respected sports news network for this Rosie O'Donnell/Chupacabra hybrid. ESPN announced Sunday that they would not be asking the silver fox back to the network. If you think that the fact that good old Stevie would go for a beast like this is the best part of the story, keep reading. According to NYDailynews.com,
"After the July affair ended, it was reported, Hundley repeatedly called Phillips' wife, Marni, and also left her a tawdry letter describing intimate locations of Phillips' birthmarks.

She also allegedly stalked his teenage son on Facebook, asking him about his parents' love life."
hundley in picture with vader and stormtrooper

What a f-ing nutcase! Someone should tell Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper to make their wive's cell numbers unlisted. Next thing you know Brooke will be stalking Luke Skywalker (because he's Vader's son) on facebook. Now don't get me wrong, If there's one positive thing to come out of this, its that we now know that facebook is an acceptable arena for exposing dirty old men with fat chick fetishes. Tell your Dads to make their facebook pages private!

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